Volta Structural Energy

Volta Structural Energy

Driving the revolution of energy storage through highly innovative structural batteries. Learn more

Launch date
Market cap
Enterprise valuation
CAD6—9m (Dealroom.co estimates Jan 2024.)
Company register number 2607103
Lomazzo Lombardy (HQ)
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Support Program


Total FundingCAD1.5m

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Volta Structural Energy is an innovative startup that is revolutionizing the energy storage industry. The company specializes in creating structural batteries, which are components that serve dual purposes: they act as both structural elements and energy storage devices. This means that parts of objects like satellite panels, airplane wings, or car roofs can store electricity, significantly enhancing their functionality.

Volta's technology offers several key advantages. Their structural batteries are lightweight and compact, capable of fast charging (full recharge in just 12 minutes), and have a high cycle life, meaning they can be charged and discharged many times without losing efficiency. Additionally, these batteries are customizable in shape and size to meet specific requirements, and they are designed to be safe, with no risk of fire or explosion. Importantly, Volta's batteries use a lithium-free chemistry based on abundant, non-toxic materials, making them a sustainable option.

The company primarily serves clients in the aerospace, automotive, and renewable energy sectors, where the need for efficient and innovative energy storage solutions is critical. Volta operates in the high-tech energy storage market, which is rapidly growing due to the increasing demand for sustainable energy solutions.

Volta's business model focuses on the development and commercialization of their structural battery technology. They generate revenue by partnering with companies in their target industries to integrate their batteries into various applications. This could include selling the technology outright, licensing it, or entering into joint ventures.

In summary, Volta Structural Energy is a forward-thinking company that is poised to make a significant impact on the energy storage industry with its unique structural battery technology. The company's innovative approach and focus on sustainability position it well for future growth.

Keywords: structural battery, energy storage, aerospace, automotive, renewable energy, fast charging, high cycle life, customizable, safe, sustainable.