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Vast Space is a pioneering startup focused on developing artificial gravity space stations to support human life beyond Earth. The company operates in the burgeoning space industry, aiming to create sustainable habitats in space that can emulate Earth's gravity. This is achieved through large spinning structures that generate centrifugal force, mimicking the gravitational pull necessary for human health.

Vast Space primarily serves clients in the aerospace sector, including governmental space agencies, private space exploration companies, and research institutions. These clients are interested in long-term space missions and colonization efforts on celestial bodies like the Moon and Mars. The company’s innovative approach addresses the critical issue of weightlessness, which can cause severe biological damage over time.

The business model of Vast Space revolves around the development, testing, and commercialization of its artificial gravity technology. The company generates revenue through contracts with space agencies and private companies that require advanced space habitats for their missions. Additionally, Vast Space offers customizable modules for clients needing microgravity environments for various scientific and industrial applications.

Vast Space is committed to expanding humanity's reach across the solar system, leveraging the vast resources available in space to ensure sustainable growth without harming Earth's fragile ecosystem. The company is building a world-class team of engineers, scientists, and visionaries to achieve this ambitious goal. Their operations include research, testing, demonstration, servicing, assembly, production, and manufacturing of space infrastructure.

In summary, Vast Space is at the forefront of creating artificial gravity space stations, aiming to make long-term space habitation viable and sustainable. The company’s innovative solutions are set to revolutionize human life in space, ensuring that future generations can thrive beyond Earth.

Keywords: artificial gravity, space stations, human health, space habitats, centrifugal force, aerospace clients, microgravity, space colonization, sustainable growth, space infrastructure.

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Investments by Vast

ACQUISITION by Vast Feb 2023