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Healthcare Venture Capital Investing in Early Stage Biotechnology Companies | The Column Group - TCG L O A D I N G Home About Team Portfolio News Contact extraordinary starts here TCG is a science-driven venture capital firm focused on nurturing a select group of early stage drug discovery companies with unique scientific platforms that can change the world. Mission Strategy The Column Group (TCG) is a science-driven venture capital firm that makes significant financial and operational commitments to build early stage drug discovery companies based on their unique scientific platforms and potential to deliver multiple breakthrough therapeutics. TCGs investment strategy runs counter to the prevailing trend in life sciences venture capital toward assembling diversified portfolios of later stage, single product-orientated companies across multiple industry sectors, with proximity to value inflection points and the early identification of a Pharma buyer as key investment considerations. In contrast, TCG takes the long view in making investments, recognizing that significant time is often required to generate significant value. Our approach is not building-to-exit. Key variables, including scientific opportunities, the competitive and regulatory landscape, and Pharma priorities, can change very rapidly. Instead, TCGs mission is the generation of fundamentally strong companies, built from the ground up, based on great science and the ability to generate multiple differentiated product opportunities. Rather than diversification, TCG emphasizes focus. We are dedicated to early stage drug discovery as the best source of a new generation of novel, highly effective human therapies. We believe that the most critical resources, such as great ideas, world class founders, and top quality managerial and scientific talent, are very rare and that concentrating them within a small cohort of companies is the key path to success. TCG is about the bold pursuit of big ideas using innovative science to generate breakthrough therapies that address significant diseases. Our firm is committed to all facets of company building and brings together a rich combination of scientific, financial and operational expertise to shape promising science into a value-rich portfolio poised to have a profound impact on human health. TCG's success starts with idea generation, having the capacity and connections across the scientific community to generate at least the germ of a powerful idea in-house. Thats not something you find everywhere. Richard Heyman, CEO, Seragon Pharmaceuticals The Column Group is a 'big science, dare-to-dream' venture fund. They identify large, unmet needs in life sciences and back these ideas and teams with conviction. Bill Rieflin, CEO, NGM Biopharmaceuticals The driving force behind TCG is great science and the desire to start meaningful companies with a key platform component that will be here for the long term. Dr. David Baltimore, Science Partner, The Column Group Our Team Vital to the execution of TCGs unique strategy is the ability to tap the extraordinary capabilities of its team, comprising Partners and Science Partners with decades of collective experience building, operating, and financing biotech companies, as well as successfully discovering and developing drugs. With six members of the National Academy of Sciences, three Nobel Prize winners, and several current and former members of biotech/big pharma senior management and boards of directors, TCG has nearly unrivaled access to new company ideas, entrepreneurs, and top scientific and managerial talent. LEADERSHIP David V. Goeddel, PhD Managing Partner Dr. Goeddel was the first scientist hired by Genentech and from 1978 to 1993 served in various positions, including Staff Scientist, Director of Molecular Biology and Genentech Fellow. His pioneering work in the fields of gene cloning and expression of human proteins was the basis for five marketed therapeutics developed by Genentech, including human insulin, human growth hormone, interferon-alpha, interferon-gamma, and tissue plasminogen activator. Dr. Goeddel co-founded Tularik in November 1991, was Vice President of Research until 1996 and CEO from 1996 - 2004, when Tularik was acquired by Amgen. Dr. Goeddel has received numerous scientific awards including the Scheele Medal, the Eli Lilly Award in Biological Chemistry, the Inventor of the Year Award, the Jacob Heskel Gabbay Award, the Howley Prize for Arthritis Research and the Warren Alpert Foundation Prize. He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He holds a B.A. in Chemistry from UCSD and a Ph.D. in Biochemistry from U. of Colorado. Board of Directors: Igenica Biotherapeutics (Chairman), NGM Biopharmaceuticals (Chairman), Nurix, Peloton Therapeutics, FLX Bio, Neurona Therapeutics Scientific Advisory Board: Peloton Therapeutics Tim Kutzkey, PhD Managing Partner Dr. Kutzkey joined The Column Group in 2007 and has since played an active role in the launch of nearly a dozen of the firms portfolio companies. His primary focus is company creation, often taking interim management roles at new start-ups until the recruitment of a permanent leadership team. In 2009 and 2010 he launched Nurix and Peloton Therapeutics, respectively, as the acting President and CEO. He presently serves as a member of the Board of Directors of both companies. Currently, Dr. Kutzkey is the interim CEO of Neurona Therapeutics and Surrozen, two recent additions to the TCG portfolio. Dr. Kutzkey was formerly a scientist at KAI Pharmaceuticals, focused on the discovery and development of selective protein kinase C inhibitors. Prior to KAI, he worked at UC Berkeley as a graduate student and postdoctoral scholar in the lab of Dr. Robert Tjian, completing his Ph.D. in 2005. Dr. Kutzkey was previously educated at Stanford University. Board of Directors: Peloton Therapeutics, Nurix (Chairman), Carmot Therapeutics, Neurona Therapeutics, Kallyope, Surrozen Larry Lasky, PhD Partner Dr. Lasky joined The Column Group in 2014. He has worked in the biotechnology industry for over 30 years. In 1981, he was a founding scientist of Genetics Institute, acquired by Wyeth, one of the earliest biotechnology companies. He was subsequently a leading scientist at Genentech and eventually a Genentech Fellow. He worked in various disciplines including vaccinology, immunology, stem cell biology, cellular signaling mechanisms, and monoclonal antibody therapy of tumors. He is a co-author on over 135 publications and a co-inventor on 37 issued and pending patents. Board of Directors: Carmot Therapeutics, eFFECTOR Pharmaceuticals, Ribon Therapeutics, ORIC Pharmaceuticals Peter Svennilson Founder / Managing Partner Peter Svennilson founded The Column Group in 2007 and has worked in venture capital and finance for over 30 years. He was the Chairman of Aragon Pharmaceuticals from startup until it was sold to Johnson Johnson in 2013 and was the Chairman of Seragon Pharmaceuticals until it was sold to Genentech/ Roche in 2014. He is the Chairman of ORIC Pharmaceuticals and a Board Director of Gritstone, NGM Biopharmaceuticals, and Immune Design. Prior to TCG, he was the Founder and Managing Partner of Three Crowns Capital where he helped finance large parts of the venture capital for biotech companies such as Tularik, Rosetta, PTC, Chemocentryx, Rinat, Tercica, Somalogic, Infinity and Fiveprime. Prior to Three Crowns Capital he was the Associate Managing Director in charge of European Investment Banking Origination at Nomura in London. Mr. Svennilson is a Trustee at The Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. Board of Directors: ORIC Pharmaceuticals (Chairman), Gritstone Oncology, Immune Design, NGM Biopharmaceuticals, Constellation Pharmaceuticals SCIENCE PARTNERS David Baltimore, PhD Science Partner Dr. Baltimore is President Emeritus and Robert Andrews Millikan Professor of Biology of the California Institute of Technology. He has received numerous honors during his distinguished career, including the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1975 for discoveries concerning the interaction between tumor viruses and the genetic material of the cell, and the 1999 National Medal of Science. His present research focuses on gene transcription and gene therapy for AIDS and cancer. He has served as President of the Rockefeller University, and was the Founding Director of the Whitehead Institute in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the Royal Society (England). Dr. Baltimore is a current board member of Amgen. Board of Directors: Immune Design Scientific Advisory Board: Immune Design Michael S. Brown, MD Science Partner Dr. Brown is Professor of Molecular Genetics and Director of the Jonsson Center for Molecular Genetics at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School in Dallas. He and his long-time colleague, Dr. Joseph L. Goldstein, together discovered the low density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor, which controls the level of cholesterol in blood and in cells. They showed that mutations in this receptor cause Familial Hypercholesterolemia, a disorder that leads to premature heart attacks in one out of every 500 people in most populations. They have received many awards for this work, including the Nobel Prize for Medicine or Physiology (1985), the Albert D. Lasker Prize in Basic Medical Research (1985), and the U.S. National Medal of Science (1988). Dr. Brown is a former member of the Board of Directors of Pfizer, a position he held for 16 years. He currently serves on the Board of Directors of Regeneron and is a former member of the Science Advisory Board of Genentech. Dr. Brown is a member of the National Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Medicine, Royal Society (London), the Association of American Physicians and the American Society for Clinical Investigation. Scientific Advisory Board: NGM Biopharmaceuticals, Peloton Therapeutics Joseph L. Goldstein, MD Science Partner Dr. Goldstein is Professor of Molecular Genetics and Chairman of the Department of Molecular Genetics at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School in Dallas. He and his long-time colleague, Dr. Michael S. Brown, have worked together for the last 30 years on the genetics and regulation of cholesterol metabolism. Their discovery of the LDL receptor as the major molecule regulating cholesterol metabolism and its genetic disruption in the human disease familial hypercholesterolemia have been recognized by their receipt of numerous awards, including the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (1985), the Albert D. Lasker Award in Basic Medical Research (1985), and the U.S. National Medal of Science (1988). More recently, Drs. Goldstein and Brown discovered the SREBP family of membrane-bound transcription factors and the elucidation of the proteolytic pathway by which the SREBPs become activated to regulate lipid metabolism. Dr. Goldstein also received the Albany Prize in Medicine and Biomedical Research (2003). Currently, Dr. Goldstein is a member of the Board of Trustees of The Rockefeller University and the Board of Trustees of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. He serves on several scientific committees for academic institutions and he is a member of the Science Advisory Boards of Genentech, GlaxoSmithKline, FivePrime, and ARMGO, and is a former consultant to Merck, Schering Plough and Amgen. Dr. Goldstein is also Chairman of the Albert Lasker Medical Research Awards Jury. Scientific Advisory Board: NGM Biopharmaceuticals Tom Maniatis, PhD Science Partner Dr. Maniatis is Professor and Chairman of the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics at Columbia University Medical School in New York. He pioneered the development of gene cloning technology and its application to the study of eukaryotic gene regulation. He also co-authored the Molecular Cloning Manual, which was instrumental in the world-wide dissemination of the technology. The primary focus of his current research is to understand neurodegenerative disease mechanisms. Dr. Maniatis is a member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, and has received numerous awards for his research contributions, including the Eli Lilly Research Award in Microbiology and Immunology, the Richard Lounsbery Award for Biology and Medicine from the U.S. and French National Academies of Science, and the Lasker-Koshland Special Achievement Award in Medical Science. He is a co-founder of Genetics Institute, where he chaired the Science Advisory Board and served on the Board of Directors for over 17 years. During this time the company gained FDA approval for several protein-based drugs, including EPO, Factor VIII and Factor IX, GM-CSF and bone morphogenic proteins. He was also a co-founder of ProScript Inc., which discovered the drug Velcade for the treatment of multiple myeloma. Velcade is the leading product of Millennium Pharmaceuticals. Dr. Maniatis is a co-founder, member of the Board of Directors, and head of the SAB of Acceleron Pharma, which is developing drugs to treat musculoskeletal diseases. Board of Directors: Constellation Pharmaceuticals Roger Perlmutter, MD, PhD Science Partner Dr. Perlmutter is the Executive Vice President and President of Merck Research Laboratories. From 2001 until 2012, he was the Executive Vice President for Research and Development at Amgen. He was responsible for the registration of ten significant new drugs including Sensipar, Prolia and Xgeva. Prior to joining Amgen, Dr. Perlmutter was for many years Professor and Chairman of the Department of Immunology at the University of Washington in Seattle, and an Investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. He also served as Executive Vice President for Worldwide Discovery and Preclinical Research at Merck Co. Dr. Perlmutter is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Charles Sawyers, MD Science Partner Charles Sawyers, MD, is an Investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and the inaugural Director of the Human Oncology and Pathogenesis Program (HOPP) at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. His laboratory is currently focused on characterizing signal transduction pathway abnormalities in prostate cancer, with an eye toward translational implications. His earlier research focused on BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase function in chronic myeloid leukemia. This work, and that of colleagues Brian Druker and Novartis, led to the development of the kinase inhibitor imatinib (Gleevec) as primary therapy for chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML), and the discovery that imatinib resistance is caused by BCR-ABL kinase domain mutations. This discovery led him to evaluate second generation Abl kinase inhibitors, such as the dual Src/Abl inhibitor dasatinib, which received fast-track approval at the FDA in June 2006. Dr. Sawyer's more recent work in prostate cancer has defined critical signaling pathways for disease initiation and progression through studies in mouse models and human tissues. This preclinical work led to the development of a novel anti-androgen ARN-509, a small-molecule inhibitor discovered in collaboration with UCLA chemist Michael Jung, which targets the increased levels of androgen receptor found in hormone-refractory disease. Dr. Sawyers is past President of the American Society of Clinical Investigation and served on the National Cancer Institute's Board of Scientific Councilors. He has won numerous honors and awards, including the Richard and Hinda Rosenthal Foundation Award, the Dorothy Landon Prize from the American Association of Cancer Research, the David A. Karnofsky Award from the American Society of Clinical Oncology, and the 2009 Lasker-DeBakey Clinical Medical Research Award. He is a member of the Institute of Medicine and in 2010 was elected to the National Academy of Sciences. Dr. Sawyers was a co-founder of Aragon Pharmaceuticals and the founder of Seragon Pharmaceuticals. He is also the founder of ORIC Pharmaceuticals. Richard Scheller, PhD Science Partner Richard H. Scheller joined 23andMe in April of 2015 as chief scientific officer and head of therapeutic development. He is responsible for translating genetic information into the discovery and development of new therapies for both common and rare diseases. Prior to joining 23andMe, Dr. Scheller worked at Genentech, a member of the Roche Group. Scheller was responsible for overseeing the strategy for research, drug discovery, business development, and early development activities. He joined Genentech in 2001 as senior vice president of research and was promoted to executive vice president of research in 2003. In 2008, he was named chief scientific officer. Following the companys merger with the Roche Group in 2009, Dr. Scheller was promoted to executive vice president and head of Genentech research and early development, and joined the Roche enlarged corporate executive committee. Dr. Scheller served as chairman of the Genentech Foundations board of directors. Dr. Scheller received his bachelor of science in biochemistry in 1975 from the University of WisconsinMadison and his doctorate in chemistry in 1980 from the California Institute of Technology. After postdoctoral research fellowships at Caltech and the Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, Scheller was hired as an assistant professor at Stanford University in 1982. In 1993, he was named a professor of molecular and cellular physiology and biological sciences, and in 1994 as an investigator with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute at Stanford University Medical Center. He has been an adjunct professor at UC San Francisco since 2004. Dr. Scheller's research elucidating the molecular mechanisms governing neurotransmitter release earned him the 2013 Albert Lasker Basic Medical Research Award, the 2010 Kavli Prize in Neuroscience, and the 1997 US National Academy of Sciences Award in Molecular Biology, among other honors. In 2014, he received a Distinguished Alumni Award from Caltech. He is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and a member of the National Academy of Sciences, and has served on numerous advisory boards, including the National Advisory Mental Health Council of the National Institutes of Health. In 2014, he was named a trustee of Caltech. PROFESSIONALS Carla Daniel Recruiting Manager Ms. Daniel joined The Column Group in 2015 and assists the firms portfolio companies in recruiting their scientific teams. After completing her Master's Degree in Biology at UC Santa Cruz, Ms. Daniel joined the Immunology group at Tularik. She later became a Human Resources Manager and helped to build Tulariks scientific team. After Tularik she worked for larger biotechnology companies like Genentech and a life science focused Executive Search Firm. James Evangelista Chief Financial Officer Mr. Evangelista joined The Column Group in 2012. Mr. Evangelista has over a decade of venture capital industry experience. Most recently, he was the Controller for Three Arch Partners, and prior to that, a Financial Analyst with Lightspeed Venture Partners. He began his career working for several large money management firms including Fisher Investments and Barclays Global Investors. Mr. Evangelista is a Certified Public Accountant in the state of California and is a member of the American Institute of CPAs and the California Society of CPAs. JJ Kang, PhD Associate Dr. Kang joined The Column Group in 2015. Previously, Dr. Kang worked at FibroGen in the project management of drug discovery and development programs, and prior to that, in corporate strategy. Prior to FibroGen, Dr. Kang investigated inhibition of DNA methylation and chemical induction of immunogenicity in cancer cells in the laboratory of Professor Peter Dervan, completing her PhD at the California Institute of Technology. Dr. Kang was previously educated at Harvard University. Susan Murakami Operations Manager Ms. Murakami joined The Column Group in 2008. She has worked in the financial industry for over thirty years with the last fifteen years focused in venture capital. Most recently, she managed the state-side office of a Chinese venture capital firm in San Francisco and prior to that was Controller at a consulting firm in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Ms. Murakami earned a Bachelors degree at the University of Hawaii. Adriana Tajonar, PhD Associate Dr. Tajonar joined The Column Group in 2015. Previously, Dr. Tajonar was an Entrepreneurship Program Manager at QB3 (California Institute for Quantitative Biosciences), where she helped over 200 teams of scientists from top institutions in California start companies in the life sciences. Prior to QB3, she studied mechanisms of self-renewal and survival in human embryonic stem cells in the laboratory of Professor Douglas Melton, completing her PhD at Harvard University in 2012. Previously, Dr. Tajonar did research in the lab of Professor Rudolf Jaenisch as an undergraduate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Karina Tin Administrative Assistant Ms. Tin joined The Column Group in 2015. Ms. Tin assists in the facilitation and execution of administrative responsibilities throughout the firm and provides day-to-day staff support in company operations. Most recently, she was a Records Analyst with PG E, and prior to that, Office Manager for a real estate firm. Ms. Tin graduated from San Francisco State University with a BS in International Business. Our Portfolio Denotes exited Investment All Surrozen Arcus Arcus Biosciences is an oncology company researching adaptive immunity and innate immunity to discover drugs with broad applicability in combination therapies. VISIT SITE Ribon Ribon Therapeutics is a biotech company focused on developing first-in-class therapeutics targeting monoADP-ribosylating PARPs for cancer. VISIT SITE Kallyope Kallyope is a biotechnology company focused on developing an industry-leading platform to harness the gut-brain axis. The company aims to integrate cutting-edge technologies in sequencing, bioinformatics, neural imaging, cellular and molecular biology, and human genetics to provide an understanding of gut-brain biology that will lead to transformational therapeutics and consumer products to improve human health and nutrition. VISIT SITE Gritstone Bio Gritstone Oncology is a privately-held cancer immunotherapy company developing next-generation personalized cancer therapeutics. Gritstone aims to tackle fundamental challenges at the intersection of cancer genomics, immunology, and immunotherapy design. The companys initial goal is to identify and deploy therapeutic neo-antigens from individual patients tumors to develop novel treatments for lung cancer. VISIT SITE FLX Bio FLX Bio is a biotechnology company focused on the creation, development and commercialization of novel anti-cancer therapeutics. Toward this end, the company is leveraging unexploited insights in immunology to discover novel agents that combat cancer by reversing tumor immunosuppression. This disruptive approach to cancer therapy targets that which is common to all tumors, the host immune system. VISIT SITE Neurona Therapeutics Neurona is a cell therapy company focused on the discovery and development of disease-altering treatments for intractable neuropsychiatric disorders. The company seeks to become an industry leader in the neural stem cell field with multiple therapeutic product candidates. Neurona is a cell therapy company focused on the discovery and development of disease-altering treatments for intractable neuropsychiatric disorders. The company seeks to become an industry leader in the neural stem cell field with multiple therapeutic product candidates. VISIT SITE ORIC Pharmaceuticals ORIC is a small molecule oncology company focused on combating the growing resistance problem to current molecularly targeted drugs. ORIC is a small molecule oncology company focused on combating the growing resistance problem to current molecularly targeted drugs. VISIT SITE eFFECTOR Therapeutics eFFECTOR is pioneering a new class of small molecule drugs that act by selectively regulating translation, also known as protein synthesis. The company unites breakthrough insights into the mechanisms of translational control with a proven approach to product invention. eFFECTOR is pioneering a new class of small molecule drugs that act by selectively regulating translation, also known as protein synthesis. The company unites breakthrough insights into the mechanisms of translational control with a proven approach to product invention. VISIT SITE Carmot Carmot Therapeutics is a biotech company focused on the discovery of innovative drugs for the treatment of metabolic diseases, cancer, and inflammation. Carmots vision is to become a leader in drug discovery by unlocking novel therapeutic target space not currently accessible to conventional small molecule technologies. VISIT SITE Constellation Pharmaceuticals Constellation is the first biopharmaceutical company developing novel therapeutics in the emerging field of Epigenetics, a new field of science involving selective regulators that are critical to controlling gene expression. Constellation is the first biopharmaceutical company developing novel therapeutics in the emerging field of Epigenetics, a new field of science involving selective regulators that are critical to controlling gene expression. VISIT SITE Igenica Biotherapeutics Igenica is dedicated to the discovery and development of breakthrough antibodies and antibody drug conjugates (ADCs) for the treatment of cancer. Igenica is dedicated to the discovery and development of breakthrough antibodies and antibody drug conjugates (ADCs) for the treatment of cancer. VISIT SITE Immune Design Immune Design is an immunotherapy oncology company focused on engineering technologies to activate the immune systems natural ability to fight disease.IMDZ Price Immune Design is a new generation vaccine company built on emerging understanding of the role of dendritic cells in determining an effective immune response. VISIT SITE NGM Biopharmaceuticals NGM uses a combination of novel experimental approaches to elucidate the role of hormones and receptors in the systemic regulation of cardiometabolic diseases. NGM uses a combination of novel experimental approaches to elucidate the role of hormones and receptors in the systemic regulation of cardiometabolic diseases. VISIT SITE Nurix Nurix is focused on discovering and developing therapies that modulate the ubiquitin proteasome system (UPS) for the treatment of a broad range of human disorders, most notably cancer. Nurix is focused on discovering and developing therapies that modulate the ubiquitin proteasome system (UPS) for the treatment of a broad range of human disorders, most notably cancer. VISIT SITE Peloton Therapeutics Peloton Therapeutics is advancing a first-in-class discovery and development pipeline in oncology, comprising several well-differentiated small-molecule programs. Peloton Therapeutics is advancing a first-in-class discovery and development pipeline in oncology, comprising several well-differentiated small-molecule programs. VISIT SITE Aragon Pharmaceuticals Aragon is creating a new class of nuclear receptor targeting drugs that overcome the biology of hormone resistant cancers. Aragon was acquired by Johnson Johnson in August 2013 for $650M in cash up front and $350M in contingent development milestone payments. Aragon is creating a new class of nuclear receptor targeting drugs that overcome the biology of hormone resistant cancers. Aragon was acquired by Johnson Johnson in August 2013 for $650M in cash up front and $350M in contingent development milestone payments. VISIT SITE Flexus Biosciences Flexus was founded with the mission to create new cancer therapeutics through the innovative application of unexploited insights in immunology. Flexus Biosciences was acquired by Bristol-Myers Squibb in April 2015 for $800M in cash up front and $450M in contingent development milestone payments. Flexus was founded with the mission to create new cancer therapeutics through the innovative application of unexploited insights in immunology. Flexus Biosciences was acquired by Bristol-Myers Squibb in April 2015 for $800M in cash up front and $450M in contingent development milestone payments. VISIT SITE Seragon Pharmaceuticals Seragon is focused on developing new treatments for estrogen-driven cancers based on its Selective Estrogen Receptor Degrader (SERD) platform. Seragon was acquired by Genentech, a member of the Roche Group, in August 2014 for $725M in cash up front and $1.0B in contingent development milestone payments. Seragon is focused on developing new treatments for estrogen-driven cancers based on its Selective Estrogen Receptor Degrader (SERD) platform. Seragon was acquired by Genentech, a member of the Roche Group, in August 2014 for $725M in cash up front and $1.0B in contingent development milestone payments. VISIT SITE In the News TCG NEWS April 1, 2016 The Column Group Raises $535 Million Third Fund January 14, 2016 President Obama's MOONSHOT challenge is advised by TCG's Science Partner (and Founder of Aragon, Seragon and ORIC) Charles Sawyers and Jose Baselga (Co-Founder of Seragon) April 14, 2015 Dr. Richard Scheller joins The Column Group as Science Partner April 1, 2015 The Column Group Adds to Its Team May 01, 2014 Dr. Charles Sawyers joins The Column Group as Science Partner May 01, 2014 Dr. Larry Lasky joins The Column Group as a Partner July 05, 2012 Dr. Roger Perlmutter joins The Column Group as Science Partner PORTFOLIO NEWS August 2, 2016 Immune Design to Report Second Quarter 2016 Financial Results April 20, 2016 Immune Design Presents New Preclinical Data on Advances of Two Separate Intratumoral Approaches at the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting 2016 January 8, 2016 Immune Design Receives Orphan Drug Designation From the U.S. FDA for Complementary Components of CMB305 December 10 2015 Kallyope Inc. Launches with $44m Series A Financing to Harness the Potential of the Gut-Brain Axis December 7 2015 Immune Design Highlights G100 Preclinical Data Demonstrating Direct and Abscopal Tumor Regression, Long-Term Response and Synergy With Checkpoint Blockade December 2 2015 ORIC Pharmaceuticals Announces $53 Million Series B Financing to Support Discovery and Development of Novel Therapies for Treatment-Resistant Cancers December 1 2015 Neurona Therapeutics Launches With $23.5 Million in Series A Funding to Repair Damaged Neural Circuits November 11 2015 Immune Design Announces Start of Randomized Phase 2 Cancer Immunotherapy Combination Trial in Patients With Soft Tissue Sarcoma November 3, 2015 Immune Design Presents Preclinical Data on G100 and ZVex(TM) in Combination With Check Point Inhibitors at the 2015 Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer Annual Meeting October 28, 2015 Igenica Biotherapeutics Enters Into a Strategic Oncology Research Agreement with MedImmune October 20, 2015 Gritstone Oncology Announces $102 Million Series A Financing to Support Discovery and Development of Personalized Cancer Immunotherapies September 16, 2015 Nurix and Celgene Announce Collaboration Targeting Protein Homeostasis for Next-Generation Therapies in Oncology, Inflammation and Immunology August 31, 2015 FLX Bio Announces Senior Management Hires and Initiation of Phase 1 Trial of FLX925 August 24, 2015 Constellation Targets IPO After Genentech Passes on Takeout August 12, 2015 Immune Design Announces Phase 2 Cancer Immunotherapy Trial Collaboration August 10, 2015 Immune Design and Merck to Collaborate on Combination Trials of Two Immune Design Immunotherapies With Merck's KEYTRUDA for Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma and Melanoma June 12, 2015 Seragon Highlighted in Genentech's "The Value of the Right Partner" May 13, 2015 Immune Design Announces Positive Data from Three Phase 1 Studies at the 2015 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting April 28, 2015 Constellation Pharmaceuticals Initiates Clinical Development of CPI-1205, a Novel Inhibitor of EZH2, in Patients with Lymphoma April 15, 2015 Immune Design Prices Public Offering of Common Stock April 08, 2015 Flexus Biosciences Announces Closing of its Acquisition by Bristol-Myers Squibb March 31, 2015 Immune Design Announces Positive Topline Data From Three Phase 1 Clinical Trials of Immuno-Oncology Agents March 31, 2015 Immune Design Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2014 Financial Results and Provides Corporate Update March 26, 2015 Immune Design Announces Treatment of Patients With CMB305 Investigational Immuno-Oncology Agent March 24, 2015 NGM Biopharmaceuticals Announces Positive Phase 2 Clinical Data in Primary Biliary Cirrhosis Patients for NGM282, a First-in-Class Investigational Medicine March 23, 2015 Immune Design Announces Upcoming Financial Results and Immuno-oncology Conference Presentation March 02, 2015 NGM Biopharmaceuticals Announces Expansion of Management Team February 23, 2015 Flexus Biosciences Announces Aquisition Agreement with Bristol-Myers Squibb for IDO-1 Inhibitor Program February 23, 2015 NGM and Merck Announce Broad Strategic Collaboration to Discover, Develop and Commercialize Novel Biologic Therapeutics February 11, 2015 Immune Design Announces First Patients Dosed in Phase 1 Clinical Trial of G100 Investigational Immuno-Oncology Agent December 17, 2014 Flexus Biosciences, a Cancer Immunotherapy Company Focused on Agents for the Reversal of Tumor Immunosuppression (ARTIS), Announces $38M Financing December 16, 2014 Constellation's bromodomain and extra-terminal inhibitor CPI203 enhances the antiproliferative effects of rapamycin on human neuroendocrine tumors December 16, 2014 Constellation observes synergistic antitumor activity of lenalidomide with the BET bromodomain inhibitor CPI203 in bortezomib-resistant mantle cell lymphoma December 09, 2014 Neurona Therapeutics Closes $24 Million in Series A Financing November 12, 2014 Immune Design Provides Update For Clinical Trials October 31, 2014 ORIC Pharmaceuticals Raises $15 Million Series A Financing October 16, 2014 Immune Design and Sanofi Pasteur Design Enter Broad Collaboration for the Development of Herpes Simplex Virus Therapy September 18, 2014 Nurix, Inc. Names Arthur T. Sands, M.D., Ph.D., Chief Executive Officer August 27, 2014 Seragon Pharmaceuticals Inc. Announces Closing of its Acquisition by Genentech August 27, 2014 Genentech announces acquisition of Seragons SERDs program August 04, 2014 Constellation Expands Clinical Studies of CPI-0610 July 24, 2014 Immune Design Announces Pricing of Initial Public Offering July 01, 2014 Seragon Pharmaceuticals Announces Acquisition Agreement with Genentech June 01, 2014 Seragon is acquired by Genentech for up to $1.725 billion June 05, 2014 Immune Design Announces Treatment of First Patient in Phase 1 Clinical Trial of LV305 Immuno-Oncology Agent May 27, 2014 Immune Designs GLAAS TM Discovery Platform Used in MEDI7510 Phase 1 Trial for Respiratory Syncytial Virus April 03, 2014 Seragon Pharmaceuticals Appoints Debasish Roychowdhury, M.D. to its Clinical and Scientific Advisory Board and as Acting Chief Medical Officer April 02, 2014 Constellation Pharmaceuticals will give a presentation on EZH2 and exhibit posters on EZH2 and BET at the AACR Annual Meeting, April 5-9 in San Diego, CA April 01, 2014 Immune Design's DCVex: A Novel Integration-Deficient Lentiviral Vector Technology that Incorporates Genetic and Post-translational Elements to Target Dendritic Cells April 01, 2014 Immune Design's DCVex: A novel DC-targeted vector platform for cancer immunotherapy March 24, 2014 Seragon Pharmaceuticals Appoints N. Anthony Coles, M.D. to Board of Directors March 18, 2014 Igenica Biotherapeutics Enrolls First Patient in Phase 1 Study of IGN523 in Acute Myeloid Leukemia February 27, 2014 Immune Design Announces Treatment of First Patient in Phase 1 Clinical Trial of ID-G305 Cancer Immunotherapy Agent January 28, 2014 Igenica Raises $14 Million in Additional Series C Funding to Advance Product Pipeline and Technology Platform January 27, 2014 Immune Design Announces Treatment of First Patient in Phase 1 Clinical Trial of ID-G100, an Investigational Immuno-Oncology Agent October 30, 2013 Immune Design Raises Up to $49 Million Series C Financing October 10, 2013 Seragon Pharmaceuticals Raises $30M in Series A Financing October 01, 2013 Immune Design Appoints Jan Henrik ter Meulen, M.D., Chief Scientific Officer October 01, 2013 Immune Design Appoints Jan Henrik ter Meulen, M.D., Chief Scientific Officer September 10, 2013 Constellation Pharmaceuticals Initiates Clinical Development of CPI-0610, a Novel BET Protein Bromodomain Inhibitor, in Patients with Lymphoma September 04, 2013 Immune Design Appoints Richard T. Kenney, M.D., Chief Medical Officer August 19, 2013 Seragon Pharmaceuticals Launched, Focused on Selective Estrogen Receptor Degrader Platform (SERD) August 19, 2013 Johnson Johnson completes acquisition of Aragon Pharmaceuticals, Inc. August 19, 2013 Aragon is acquired by Johnson Johnson for up to $1 billion July 18, 2013 NGM Biopharmaceuticals Secures $50 Million in Series C Financing to Advance its Portfolio of Novel Therapies for Diabetes and Obesity June 25, 2013 NGM, Partners Seek Next Diabetes Drug Targets Among GI Tract Hormones June 17, 2013 NGM Biopharmaceuticals and MedImmune, AstraZenecas Biologics Arm, Announce Agreement to Discover and Develop Therapies for Diabetes and Obesity June 17, 2013 Aragon Pharmaceuticals Announces Acquisition by Johnson Johnson June 12, 2013 Immune Design Partners With Leading Cancer Organizations To Advance Novel Immunotherapy Research April 09, 2013 Igenica Appoints Thi-Sau Migone, Ph.D., as Chief Scientific Officer April 04, 2013 Aragon Announces First Patient Dosed in Phase I Study of ARN-810 in Estrogen Receptor Positive Breast Cancer March 07, 2013 Merck Announces Appointment of Roger M. Perlmutter, M.D., Ph.D., As President of Merck Research Laboratories; Peter S. Kim, Ph.D., to Retire February 11, 2013 Aragon Hires Paul Cleveland as EVP of Corporate Strategy and Chief Financial Officer January 03, 2013 NGM Enters Agreement With Janssen to Discover and Develop Novel Therapeutics for Diabetes October 05, 2012 Immune Design Announces the Grant of Two Principle Technology Patents and a Recent Publication in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences October 04, 2012 Aragon Pharmaceuticals Raises $50 Million in Series D Financing to Advance Promising Therapeutic Candidates for Hormone-Driven Cancers October 01, 2012 Aragon Pharmaceuticals Announces Clinical Results from Ongoing Phase II Trial Confirming Robust Anti-Tumor Activity and Tolerability of ARN-509 in Three Different Patient Populations of Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer September 20, 2012 Constellation Pharmaceuticals and The Leukemia Lymphoma Society Partner to Develop Novel BET Inhibitor for the Treatment of Hematologic Malignancies September 19, 2012 Aragon Pharmaceuticals Awarded 2012 Top 15 by FierceBiotech September 18, 2012 Igenica Appoints Mary Haak-Frendscho, Ph.D., as Chief Executive Officer April 03, 2012 Aragons Co-Founder, Charles L. Sawyers, M.D., Tapped to Lead $10M Prostate Cancer Program March 27, 2012 Constellation Pharmaceuticals announced Mark A. Goldsmith, M.D., Ph.D., to Serve as Executive Chairman of the Board of Directors - Keith E. Dionne, Ph.D., to Serve as President and Chief Executive Officer March 26, 2012 NGM mentioned in Forbes article "Curing Diabetes with Surgery: It Works - - Now Lets Figure Out Why" March 20, 2012 Aragons Co-Founder, Charles L. Sawyers, M.D., Named President-Elect of the American Association for Cancer Research March 06, 2012 Aragon Pharmaceuticals Secures $42 Million in Series C Financing to Advance Pipeline of Therapies Targeting Hormone-Driven Cancers January 17, 2012 Constellation Pharmaceuticals and Genentech Enter Broad Epigenetics Drug Discovery Collaboration December 02, 2011 Immune Design Corp. Appoints Wayne R. Gombotz, Ph.D. as Chief Development Officer October 18, 2011 Immune Design Corp. Appoints Guy F. Cipriani as Chief Business Officer July 27, 2011 Peloton Therapeutics Completes $18 Million Series A Financing April 27, 2011 Immune Design Corporation Appoints Pharma and Biotech Executive Carlos V. Paya, MD, PhD as Chief Executive Officer February 01, 2011 Constellation Pharmaceuticals Expands Leadership Team with Drug Development Industry Veterans January 04, 2011 Constellation Pharmaceuticals Appoints Industry Veteran James E. Audia, Ph.D. as Chief Scientific Officer October 26, 2010 Immune Design Grants Adjuvant License to MedImmune October 04, 2010 NGM Biopharmaceuticals Names William J. Rieflin Chief Executive Officer and Director August 09, 2010 Aragon Pharmaceuticals Doses First Patient in Phase 1/2 Clinical Trial of ARN-509 for Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer August 02, 2010 Aragon Pharmaceuticals Appoints Richard A. Heyman CEO June 10, 2010 Igenica, Inc. secures $24 million in Series B financing June 02, 2010 Constellation Pharmaceuticals Closes $22 Million in Series B Funding April 22, 2010 Aragon Pharmaceuticals Secures $22 Million in Series B Financing March 15, 2010 NGM Biopharmaceuticals Raises $51 Million in Series B Financing and Appoints New Board Member November 23, 2009 Constellation's CSO and Scientific Advisor Receive Medal of Honor from American Cancer Society October 27, 2009 Aragon Pharmaceuticals' Founder, Dr. Charles Sawyers Awarded 2009 Lasker-DeBakey Clinical Medical Research Award October 21, 2009 NGM Biopharmaceuticals Appoints Dr. Arthur D. Levinson, former Genentech CEO, to its Board of Directors September 09, 2009 Constellation Pharmaceuticals Appoints Renowned Cancer Biologist Edward E. Harlow, Jr., Ph.D. as Company's CSO September 01, 2009 NGM Biopharmaceuticals Appoints Helen S. Kim as Chief Business Officer August 13, 2009 Constellation Pharmaceuticals Appoints Mark A. Goldsmith, M.D., Ph.D. as CEO and Closes $17 Million in Funding May 20, 2009 Aragon Pharmaceuticals Announces $8 Million Series A Financing March 09, 2009 Igenica Appoints Dr. Mike Rothe as CEO After Closing Series A Financing June 24, 2008 FierceBiotech Names Constellation Pharmaceuticals as One of the "Fierce 15" Biotech Companies of 2008 June 23, 2008 Immune Design, Led By Star Scientists, Raises $18 Million To Build Vaccine Company April 29, 2008 Constellation Pharmaceuticals Closes $32 Million in Series A Funding February 12, 2008 NGM Biopharmaceuticals Raises $25.5M Contact TCG The Column Group 1700 Owens Street, Suite 500San Francisco, CA 94158Email : [email protected] T: (415) 865-2050F: (415) 255-2048 Name* Email* Website Comment Copyright © 2014. The Column Group Investor Login