

Elevator works across Scotland to help facilitate the start-up, acceleration and growth of new and existing businesses through its unique delivery of Business Gateway services in Aberdeen, Tayside and Lanarkshire, and a range of accelerator programmes. Learn more

Launch date
Company register number SC223601
Aberdeen Scotland (HQ)

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More about Elevator

Elevator works across Scotland to help facilitate the start-up, acceleration and growth of new and existing businesses through its unique delivery of Business Gateway services and a range of accelerator programmes. Providing Business Gateway services across two Scottish regions – Aberdeen City and Shire and Tayside – Elevator supports around 20% of Scotland’s Business Gateway start-up companies. Through its Centres of Entrepreneurship in Aberdeen and Dundee, it offers a broad range of opportunities including its energy accelerator Grey Matters, its creative Famous Grouse Ideas Centre Accelerator in Perth and its flagship and academic accelerators.